From where I'm sitting

By LoobyG

The big 1-0-0

Wow! So here we are. 100 blips in 101 days - if only I'd taken a single picture on October 11, I'd have had a clean record!

This picture was inspired in part by Gailywaily and in part by my little sister's comment yesterday. It took me a lot of goes to take a half-way decent photo of a few biscuits. Clearly I still have an awful lot to learn!

I'm enjoying myself. I don't honestly think my photos have moved much beyond the point-and-click approach that I started out with, but I'm having fun. I think Blip has made me a bit more observant, and perhaps more inclined to pause and reflect, and for that I'm grateful.

I know I don't really use this site to its full potential. I'm pretty lazy about looking at other people's photos most of the time, beyond a select few journals. And I know I'm inconsistent about replying to comments, and leaving some of my own. That's definitely something to work on in the next 100 days.

It astounds me to think that my pictures have been looked at over 4000 times. And I'm chuffed to pieces that 9 people have chosen to get updates on my witterings (and only 3 of those are family!). Thank you all.

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