
By Madchickenwoman


No guesses as to what I had done today! Unfortunatly the first needle sent pain down my leg and then up to my hip, and being hyper sensitive to any sensation in my body I was anxious for the rest of the session! The only other needle that hurt was the one in my right ankle! In all I had one in either hand, 3 on each leg, three in my stomach and one in my forehead! They stayed in for 20 minutes and the practitioner did stretches on my neck as he said I was holding tension there! I shall go back next week for another session! I had a quick walk round the very lovely village of Stoke Climsland before heading home, really just to let myself settle before driving. I had the wrong lens so could only take the final needle in my foot before he removed that one too having removed the others as I tried to get the ones in my stomach!
The pain I felt was nothing compare to what The Exile was going through. On dropping Oscar off I found she'd been awake all night with toothache and pain  up the right side of her face - she looked awful. I had gone home to get her some Anbusol to help numb the area before I set off. On collecting Oscar she was still in pain but had managed to get an appointment for the next day. I said I'd bring her up some Co-Codamol once Youngster had left, by then she would be able to take more drugs. 
Youngster was on my doorstep when I got home and we set straight to packing her car. That's it - all gone! There may be another load once I've sorted numerous boxes of tapes and CD's and shelves of fiction books! I had a quick bite to eat then headed back to The Exile. Luckily her mum had bought her some Co-Codamol so she was begining to feel the effects! I took Ginger and Oscar for a walk. Ginger is one obstinate lady! Three times she just stood stock still and refused to budge until I went in the direction she wanted! She did not want a walk in the woods so we went round the houses, along by the station and down the school lane. Walking 2 big dogs on leads  is no easy task! Particularly when one is a young dog who keeps swopping sides and getting the leads tangled! Oscar got spooked by a drone my neighbour was flying, but luckily neither of them spotted the cat further up the lane, who sensibly jumped into a garden on sizing them up!
Back home I became very tired, but I'd seen the electrician on my way back who said he would come round later in the afternoon with my mended Fishermans light! He came and I yawned the entire time he was here and was completely unable to make conversation. As soon as he left I lay down on the kitchen sofa and fell asleep for 2 hours! What a day!

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