A New Day

By ANewDay


Apologies to all for lack of comments but I've been struggling to keep up.  Some health worries in connection with my BP and a visit to the GP today confirmed my concern.  This pill container is my lifeline, as without the contents I'd be in serious trouble!  

Another pill added to the mix today as a temporary measure until I get an appointment at the Hypertension Clinic at Ninewells Hospital in Dundee.  I was referred there 32 weeks ago, but when I phoned to see where I was on the waiting list, I was advised it would be at least another 10 weeks before I was offered an appointment!  So much for targets:-)

There's also the not so small matter of MiL being taken into hospital today with a severe irregular heartbeat, which we've been advised could have resulted in a heart attack or stroke at any minute.  It never rains but it pours!

For the time being, I have turned off Comments, but I will try to keep blipping and will visit your journals as often as possible.  Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible:-)

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