A New Day

By ANewDay

River Tay

Many thanks to all of you who are sticking with me by leaving stars.  Very much appreciated:-)

MiL will have to stay in hospital for at least 10 days while they try to reduce the fluid in her legs which has led to the heart problems.  She is terrified of hospitals, for no rational reason, so is a very unhappy lady at the moment!

TJ and I were back in Blairgowrie today for dental appointments, as we had both lost fillings recently.  We were given our first electric toothbrushes at Christmas.  Coincidence?!!  He had a new crown fitted today and I have to have one fitted next month, so an expensive exercise.

Dull and misty again today.  Such depressing weather and will be glad when it shifts.  This was the less than silvery River Tay en route to Blairgowrie.

Have a good weekend blippers:-)

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