Look who I met today

This afternoon I went on a bus for the second time in my life. We went to Braidburn Valley Park and just look who we met.................. Jimbo2750

We stopped to talk to a man, a mummy with a little girl and a very gorgeous Cockerpoo. We stop to talk to a lot of people, even though Ann says I mustn't talk to strangers. She's scared someone might steal me!

Anyway the man said, 'Is that Trixie?' Ann said, 'Yes it is. Who are you?' Ann thought he might be a mad stalker that wanted to kidnap me. Turns out he was a Blipper who has been following my adventures. How nice is that? Obviously he thought I was a very nice little collie.

Oh and it took us about half an hour to walk through the park and home. According to all the stuff Ann has read; a three and a half month old little puppy shouldn't really be having a half hour walk. But hey ho; I was all happy and bouncy and Ann wanted to tire me out so that she could put me in my crate and go swimming.

I am learning more and more every day and meeting more and more people and getting more and more experiences of the life around me.

 ….......................It will be very interesting to see what I am Blipped doing a year from now??????

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