Strolling around again

I go out in my stroller most days. I'm getting fed up in my stroller now. I want to go for longer walks (because I'm a very lively little collie) but Ann is worried that if she walks me too much she'll end up damaging my bones. According to all the stuff Ann has read online, and what the vet told her; puppies need 5 mins of exercise per month of their age. I'm about three and a half to four months old so I need 15-20 mins of exercise per day.

I always walk around the block in the morning which takes 10-15 mins depending on how much sniffing I do. And then the rest of the day I have 'activities' to partake in.

Today it was lovely and sunny so Ann said, 'Trixie, would you like to go to Susi's house because she needs me to help her put flea treatment on Missy & Freddie, the relatively new rescue cats.' It takes 30-40 mins to walk to Susi's house so obviously I had to go in my stroller because otherwise I would have been walking for too long.

When I got to Susi's house I got put out in the 'safe' fully enclosed garden while Ann & Susi tried to capture Missy for her flea treatment. Missy did not want to be captured. Susi lives in two bed ground floor flat which is not a mansion but could the humans find where Missy had run off to? They could not! Meanwhile, Freddie was on the shed roof just glaring at me and giving me the evils and then he wandered off along the fence. Grrrrrrr.....................…

As for me......................... I was going mad in the garden. I was zooming around all over the place. I didn't want to be out there by myself so I squeezed myself under the gate and managed to get into the communal stair. Only people who live in Scotland will understand what we mean when we say 'communal stair'?!

Ann kept looking out the window and checking on me but when she couldn't see me, she went into panic mode. When she actually went out into the garden and realised I wasn't there she went into an even bigger panic mode...................................

…..................But do you know what?............................... When Ann shouted, 'Trixie come', I came zooming out of the communal stair. 

Phew........................ How clever am I? And how clever is Ann for teaching me the word 'come' while I'm still so little?

Anyway Ann & Susi managed to give Freddie his flea treatment but we haven't a clue where Missy went.

…...............And after all that excitement I went for a walk/sit in my stroller to look at all the lovely flowers that are out at the moment.

…................We were out for more than 2 hours and when we got home we both had to have a bit of a lie down for an hour because we were both exhausted. Lol!!!

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