
Well, it'd be mad to not blip this beautiful frost - minus 4 when I got into the car this morning......brrrrrr I really should have worn socks, my feet were freezing!!! It's the kind of morning when I wish I wasn't driving as the sights are lovely of the countryside

Mum is up from Cornwall tonight for a few days as her husband is working in Thailand at the minute. A nice warming Spag Bol and a crackling fire in the snug is all we have planned - relaxing before a mad few days ( I'm not thinking of next week when we are out 5 nights out of 7). That's what you get when Husband's birthday is just before Christmas (pants or what!)

Not much to report here, nothing occurring. The tree looks amazing - it just needs presents under it (but will the dogs eat them?!).

Keep warm :)

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