Happy Daze

By Dazed

Mystery groceries...

...arranged on a bench on Leith Links at 8.30am this morning. I don't know who they belonged to though some people exercising gave me a weird look when I took a picture of them. However I know of no sane reason why you would arrange your groceries sans bag on a bench and then wander off to practise Tai Chi. Plus my workmate Alan had to leave work during the day and texted me to say that half of them were still there. I'm not sure which half - Steph was annoyed that I didn't pinch the bags of Quavers but I always expect Jeremy Beadle (RIP) to be lurking behind a tree in those sorts of situations. And it's slightly scabby to eat something you find in a park, no matter how hermetically sealed.

For anyone that still looks I apologise for not commenting the past week, it's been a busy one :)

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