twinned with trumpton


Leaving the bike chained up, I set out a pied to meet J Dawg at Citypark for a very similar lap to that of Monday; from greater Granton to Great Gorgie to er grating Sighthill and Wester Hailes; and on round to Morningside for a quite frankly straight outta left field outcome and onwards once more to the EH17 wastelands. 

Back home thru the toon, and home. But out again for P7 football which was encouraging ahead of our first game on Saturday; the starting 7 look in decent nick; and we have our Hibs starlet available too so hopefully things will get off to a good start.

Then we all went home and had curry and did homework (are we still on fractions?? 3/4 of Tom's maths homework is fractions...)

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