
By springlilly

Furry Visitor

Despite the forecast rain & wind, that might have explained Bubbles reluctance to get out of her bed this morning, I headed to Fintra Beach with my friend K at 9 am to walk. There is some erosion alongside the boardwalk on the top of the dunes, so no parking cones are used, despite the fact you couldn’t get a car up there. Bubbles found them “scary” so had to bark at them. Continued on the walk & we met the guy who has an extremely energetic collie. As we were heading back along the beach, I said to K “there is someone heading for a swim, but I don’t think he has trunks on or they must be skin tone!”, but he was well in the distance, he wasn’t in for long as he came out of the sea, still in the distance as he ran back to his vehicle we were more convinced he was a streaker. By the time we were back at the car park, he was fully clothed, he said he hadn’t come prepared but decided to “go in the nip”, not thinking we would be back before he got back to his van. Well you never know what you might see.
Got back & joined a local group doing a beach clean for a few hours, then we had some refreshments at the local café.
Headed back to Michael’s & noticed a 4 legged visitor to the bird table & all before 1.30 pm.
Thanks to Admirer for hosting Silly Saturday.

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