Clean and fresh and beautiful.

This evening we've been to watch the local school nativity play in the village hall, somehow pirates got involved.
Managed to spend some time with a local lady who's just had a big op and isn't really behaving herself.... This will be addressed!
I guess the real thing tonight has been watching the *Supersize Earth programme and bring left feeling so totally helpless.
Yes I am a user of today's technology... Iphone5..!
What upsets me is the amount of land -worldwide- that is used to rear cattle to feed the masses..(macdonalds etc) and the knock effect of the felling of trees and rain-forests.
Many years ago I read abook by Leslie Kenton - 10 day clean up/detox- as a result I went vegetarian for a few years, by way of a personal protest... RAR!
On watching tonights *programme I was once again shocked and upset by the way we as a planet are behaving.
My diet has changed recently in order to try to maintain a healthy place, I have realised that I can avoid the foods that are doing me harm and that my doing so doesn't have/need to affect anyone else.
Life is good but I'm still concernded ...helplesly ... about the way or beautiful world is going.
Given the Buddist theory that I have for many years believed in... I don't want to come back, not even as a terrier in my house!

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