
By JoppaStrand

Bogata evening rush

The second of three days of training here went very well. It did mean, however, I had to be up at 0500, again, for the hotel breakfast, specially prepared for us, before our early taxi to work. 

The traffic here on weekdays is so busy that a strict rota exists so that even numbered cars travel one day and the odd numbered ones the next.  Our client here has two cars so that his driver can always take him to and from work five days a week!
For those with only one car this network of buses is very popular.

T got the call to attend her Jury Service tomorrow after two days of phoning in and being told, by a robotic message that she was not required. 

After work this evening, my colleague and I crossed the busy road in front of the hotel to choose one of the local restaurants in the quiet but fashionable quarter for a  Shrove Tuesday supper.

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