Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Off the rails

I had bloods taken this morning. They call it Phlebotomy in the trade which I always think sounds like a pharaoh of old: "And lo did Phlebotomy send forth his armies in their chariots and rain down blood upon his enemies" or such like. I always lie down and look away as I am prone to getting giddy. The nurse was about ninety years old but slipped the needle in very easily and had me on my way in no time.

I spent a lot of the day in railway stations and waiting rooms. I had to go to a hospital which is in an awkward part of London and I think I managed to miss every connection. However I did discover a bakers in Sutton where every cake in the shop was vegan! Legend.

Managed to get some work done using my hotspot or WiFi where there was any, and ended up back in Woking an hour before my 5.15 hair appointment - feeling a bit cold and bedraggled but Marcianos did my a decent coffee and a warm chair and somewhere to plug in.

It was a surprisingly insightful day. Lots to think about. Ms A gave my barnet a good cropping but the head massage was best, relaxed me just when I needed it. I arrived home just after six but in good shape and glad not to be facing any more train journeys. Sometimes it’s good to go off the rails ...

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