An ordinary life....

By Damnonii



Slowly getting back into our normal routine. Alan went back to school today. He was quite excited leaving this morning. Think he was beginning to suffer from cabin fever.

I'm still not 100% and should probably go to the docs but I suspect he won't give me anything and I'll probably catch something worse sitting in the surgery so will see how I go over the next few days.

All the online Christmas shopping has been arriving. I am now on first name terms with the delivery drivers! The best pressie ever arrived today. Alan is a huge fan of Tess Daly and I have managed to get a life-size cardboard cut out of her!!! I can't wait to see his face when he sees it. It will either freak him out or he'll want to take it to school!! :-))

Still not got any energy for photography so todays blip is just a little bit of the holly tree Alice brought for me on our girls weekend.

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