
By LadyPride

Family Day

I picked this picture of Audrey today (apologies for all the baby snaps lately - me, obsessed much!) as I think she looks like a doll in it.

She was a doll last night, only waking once again. And as my husband was home he went to her and let me have some sleep.

Today was a family day. We just kicked back at home and played with her (while I caught up on work and emails). She looked like the cat that had got the cream and especially loved being with her Dad. In the afternoon - as the weather here was foul - we took her to Head Over Heels and her little legs started kicking she was that excited to be there. She especially loved the slide (as did her Dad, the big kid that he is!)

I can hear her squealing and laughing upstairs now as I type (it's bath-time). The house is never peaceful these days but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Looking forward to dinner and a bottle of wine and catching up on Homeland with my husband tonight. It's been a long week....

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