
By LadyPride

Disco Diva

After another sleepless night at Home Pride, I decided to try and wear my little princess out with a trip to Head over Heels this morning. The only problem was that it ended up wearing me out more than it did her (that or the 1 hour an a half pram walk we went for afterwards!)

She's eaten so much today it is untrue - cereal and apple plus a bottle for breakfast, a beef stew and yoghurt for lunch, another bottle plus some toast followed by a whole banana and a bowl of porridge for tea before polishing off another bottle before bedtime. This has to be a growth spurt. Unreal!!

Today's blip pic is of Audrey in the disco room at Head over Heels. She (we) loved it. We had a proper mother daughter moment, spinning round and dancing in the mirrors.

I love her so blinking much it hurts.

Tonight I let her cry herself to sleep (22 mins of sheer agony) and it really did hurt. I actually threw up it was that stressful. But I'm trying to help her self soothe and I knew it had to be done. It was just horrible doing it. Here's hoping for some sleep tonight .....

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