Too many cooks
Well, the Spectacle is over and I'm safely home with a welcome glass of wine (the school forgot to ask permission from the Mairie to serve wine at the soirée - that wouldn't happen if I was on the committee!) The day was spent mostly helping at school again, mainly burning myself while making a thousand blinis (and sending the kids in turn to go and run their burnt hands under the cold tap), and partly helping Mr B who in an unfortunate conjunction of events has a dead computer and a phone with no mobile signal at all. All this on a day when work stuff was starting to happen again. There's a third bad thing but I'm not even going to think about that until we know it's all alright really.
The song with my little 6-7 year olds went ok. It was all a bit disorganised as the kids had all forgotten where to stand, and that made me completely forget to get one of the kids to say at the start what the song means in French. And we all forgot to bow at the end. But there was clapping and smiling parents, and we were the only troop of singers with a song-related costume (flashing santa hats and a genuine cardboard chimney). I'm going to gloss over the fact that the chimney knocked several plates of main courses onto the floor as 'Santa' swept by, and that I showed everyone my pants* while I was gathering up my ipod dock and all.
The food was elegantly served by all the kids in the school (including nursery) who were all decked out in black tops, waiter's pinnies and chef's hats. Here are a bunch of the hats getting ready for a different song - with cropping and shading to avoid me being lynched.
Now, where did I leave that wine...
* Accidentally.
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