Great Mell Fell

More snow this morning so I started on a bit more random sorting. Who thought setting the small target of clearing the kitchen table could be so onerous. It felt like rearranging the chairs on the Titanic. After a long discussion with my brother on the phone I headed over to the tip and to prevent further encroachment of madness before another week starts I decided to battle the elements close to home and went up Mell Fell. There was quite a bit of snow and it was tricky staying upright in the wind. She’s such a magical Fell and it got me wondering a bit more about language. I wondered why I thought of her as feminine, or gendered at all. Using ‘it’ just didn’t feel okay. As I laid down in the snow for a bit I went on to our narrative stories - national, cultural, familial, individual and how we create ourselves, our version of ourselves. I was startled out of my reverie by a Raven swooping past to check me out. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for sky burials but I felt it was being a tad premature so jumped up and headed for home.

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