Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Just Desserts?

More unpacking this morning and further setting up our room and unpacking our things from our locked cupboard and then more preparation for my upcoming course, working from the flat. So, a productive morning.

A less productive afternoon when I went into school to meet with my fellow trainer. Our actual meeting was productive when we went through the input timetable, teaching practice rota and course content and structure. We've never ran a course together before, so it's really important that we agree on principles and know what each other are covering in sessions. The unproductive part was the rest of the afternoon. The less said the better, but I left feeling very frustrated and concerned about materials for the teaching practice element of the course - the most important element. I'm being restrained here.

I treated myself to the buffet at the hotel on our square.

Tomorrow's another day and I hope it's better than today! Oh, and the short circuiting caused by turning on the aircon hadn't been fixed during the 3 months our bedroom was empty, but today there were 4 workmen in and the cleaning man in to supervise. Good timing :-(

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