Didn't have high hopes for today when the wind and rain were lashing at the windows when I woke up. But ended up being quite sunny. The mud is now rehydrated though so plenty of muddy dogs to clean up (and Ruby found some fox poo to roll in so I had to wash her off so delayed even more).

When I got to the horses Buddy only had one rug on (he has one good thin one underneath, then an old thin ripped one in top to protect the good one as his field mate likes to shred them with his teeth and it's very expensive to have to keep replacing them). I found his top one in a crumpled heap in the field, totally turned inside out with all the straps still done up!!!! I have no idea how he managed to get it off, but it doesn't have leg straps at the back so think the wind could have picked it up and blown it over his head and then he must have stepped out of it somehow?!! Very bizarre.

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