Rivington (again)

I usually do my long run of the week on a Saturday or Sunday morning but this week the weather was miserable, so I didn't go out until after midday, when the weather app promised three dry hours and maybe even some sun.

I was on may to the top of the hill behind Rivington Reservoir when I felt a few drops of rain and within a couple of minutes it was hailing. The wind picked up, the hail increased, and as I came out from the cover of the trees that had been lining the road, it was like having gravel thrown at me. 

And yet a few minutes later the sun did come out - just as the weather app had half-promised - and I had a lovely run down the other side. 

I photo'd this... whatever it is before, I know, but it was looking particularly spectacular as I ran past it, today. 

-10.9 kgs
Reading: 'Jog On' by Bella Mackie

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