Gitama's World

By Gitama

Still Life with Roses and Stag & Day 5

...Ahhhh far too long faffing over this one. I Had quite a bit on today and was considering not blipping lightbox was up I had some lovely roses (and they smell great) for Flower Friday and I grabbed the lovely brass stag I got in a street sale. On their own they looked pretty ordinary so I took this through the wringer and back again to create something a bit different.
I was planning on shutting down my computer quite a while ago now but you know what its like when one gets in the zone...not sure if I have taken this too far....not enough...Im lost.

Day 5 of my self imposed regime with a lot of help from my p/shop course...I think I might be getting a handle on that 3D software....but to be honest i could be fooling myself. I don't know why I am continuing with it....70% of it is rather naff I reckon.....I am wondering if I could rock it and make some awesome stuff or am I just wasting time...there is always so much to learn and so little time.

Jaiya took Flynn out of school this afternoon to rally for climate change...I didnt go...Im not that keep on heaps of folk all together but apparently Flynn got invited up on the podium to tell everybody what he wanted to see happen 'NO MORE PLASTIC' as he waved his plastic drink bottle in the air.....OPPPPS! I nearly fell over laughing when Jaiya told me when they got home.

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