Proud Weegie

By Shiv

Little Miss Sew and Sew

Dancing for No 3 this morning. Miss K's mum S had promised to make up a little box of sewing things for No 3 and she presented the box to her this morning.

It was a haberdashers dream...more bows and sequins and frilly net then John Lewis. No 3 raced home and spent all afternoon making this little dress for her teddy 'Stephanie'. She spent a long time making tiny running stitches to sew the dress. I helped her sew on the bows and sequins (Almost-Six-year-olds don't know the meaning of 'less is more'!). She was very pleased with the outcome.

No 1 and No 2 were out shopping/partying all day. Don't know where they get their energy from. Mr S and I are hobbling about the house like an old age couple (I even sneaked 40 winks under a fluffy Disney Princeses blanket!).

Quiet night tonight. Just picking up the party animals before they turn into pumpkins.

Here's No 3 (with her new fringe!) with Stephanie.

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