Euan Me and Rhona too!

By noifa

playing before bed

Rhona, playing with her/Euans alphabet friend.

Busy day. Got up and had breakfast before Rhona went back to bed for a nap. Dropped Euan at the Greats so I could go do a quick bit of shopping then we went out to Belhelvie to help celebrate Callums first birthday. A fun afternoon had by all, especially Euan who was all played out and fell asleep when we turned into our street. I laid him on the settee and he slept for the next hour, oblivious to me removing his coat and shoes. rhona slept too and was quite kranky when she got up so I gave her some calpol incase it was her teeth rather than general tiredness before she devoured her brocoli, then a 1/4 banana and a whole big yogurt. I was surprised as she has been eating breadsticks, cheese and baby crisps all afternoon so thought she would not be so hungry but she also had a big feed before going off to bed. Euan is happily watching tv while getting ready for bed. Think he will sleep well tonight too.

Hopefully tomorrow will involve decorating a christmas tree if I manage to get one. Don't know where we are going to put it this year, but I will find a space!

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