Euan Me and Rhona too!

By noifa


....the Christmas Tree.

What a fun day we have had with the Aunties C&D. Went out to theirs for lunch and then to a local farm to choose a tree. They were all netted up already, so hard to imagine what they might be like out their wrappers but very pleased by all accounts. The fact that it takes up a 1/4 of the sitting room is irrelevant!!!

Between the 3 adults and Euan, we sawed off the bottom, got it up in its stand (straight first time!) and then got decorating. Once Euan understood that saying it was broken and throwing it back in the box when he couldn't hang it on the tree was not acceptable, he got right into the swing of things. He loved our new decorations for this year - cuddly Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Minnie Mouse and Ploodo Pluto (as seen on the floor in the picture). Todays blip is him hanging an airplane on the tree. It has been moved since, as he kept taking it off and flying it round the room!

Enjoyed a curry for tea and then a lovely evening skyping the family in Carnoustie, chatting, knitting and giving knitting advice to the sisters. Most enjoyable. Now relaxing, watching some tv before bed.

Rhona did some rocking on her hands and knees for the first time today. I had just gone to put her down on her tummy to do her thing but the knees got tucked under as she went down and she stayed like that for a minute or so, rocking forwards every now and then before going comando again.

The Euanism of today

Me - do you remember when Rhona was in Mummys tummy?
Euan - yes.
He paused
Euan - Mummy put Rhona in her mouth.

We assume he meant that I ate her and that was how she got in my tummy!

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