
By Beewriter

An Inspiring Group of People

Today I attended a donor award ceremony at Gorton Monastery, Manchester. It was an inspiring event. I’m a donor carer on the Mobile Team, we can collect over a hundred bags of blood each day on session. Every donation is precious, every donation counts; whether it is your very first, your tenth, your twenty fifth or your fiftieth they are all needed and we at NHSBT are grateful, recipients are grateful and families are grateful. Today though I was in the presence of some truly inspiring people....donors who have given 100 donations, 250 donations, 500 donations and one donor who was awarded his 750 th donation.

If all the donations of the donors at that ceremony were totalled up it would come to approximately 11,000 donations over the years, with 32,852 people benefitting from them. That is absolutely amazing!!

One blood recipient came to the ceremony to share his story and to thank not only the blood donors present, but everyone who gives. Charming is thirteen years old and he has sickle cell anaemia. He needs to have blood transfusions every six weeks. He can suffer severe symptoms and without blood transfusions he would be in agony. Charming shared his story and then presented the awards to each donor present.

I talked with Phillip who made a huge impression on everyone present when we found out what a committed donor he is. Phillip has made 850 donations. He is a platelet donor and donates at Plymouth Grove, Manchester. Phillip attended an award ceremony for his 500th donation a few years ago and it was there that he met a young woman who made a huge impact on his life. Sarah Holt was 21 and had to have blood transfusions. Her life was extended due to the blood she received and she and her family had time together that wouldn’t have been possible without it. Sadly, Sarah died twelve years ago but Phillip still sees her parents and he takes flowers to her grave every year. Phillip has always known his blood and platelets help people, but when he met Sarah she became the face that made it all worthwhile, it made saving lives real for him.

It was a privilege to meet some of the donors and share their stories.

I hope that these people will inspire others to give up an hour of their time and donate.

(Everyone pictured gave me their permission to use their photo and share their stories)

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