
By Houseonahill6

Swanning around

A cold day with heavy rain and sleaty showers. We did go out though as I needed a few bits and pieces so we went to Sainsbury’s in Nairn first to see if they had a few tops that I wanted.There was one with sea creatures on it but I could not find it on the shelves so we asked and they managed to find them in the warehouse , not on the shelves yet so I was the first to buy one.
Still pouring as we headed to Forres to a recycling store to see if they had any cheap teapots I could use for the Brownie Daffodil Tea. They had one that I liked , the others were either too small or too heavy.Also found a nice green milk jug and sugar bowl. The first thing I spotted out of all the items was an old Brownie Guide book from the 60’s just like the one I had when I was a Brownie.I went to pay and started talking about Brownies and the lady behind the till said that they gave discount to Community Groups and gave me the whole lot for £1 :)
Back home and Richard and Ronnie came over for tea and cake .
Watched the thrilling Rugby game, missed most of the first half so pleased that I managed to catch the best half, such an exciting game :)

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