Psalmist with a camera

By jellyfox

Winter Warmers

What a beautiful pair of smiles.

This lovely couple kindly posed for me despite the torrents that were raining down on their festive fare at the Victorian Christmas market in the centre of town. Impressed I was at the stalwart nature of our townsfolk who turned out as the deluge continued throughout the afternoon......especially as the morning had been so perfect.

I initially woke at 6am to a howling wind that quickly dispersed the angry clouds and eventually Mr Sunshine peeked through with all the panache of a naughty boy being let out to play! He made the most of his freedom and bathed the surrounding countryside in light and shadow as a few of the wayward clouds scuttled by.

I just couldn't resist making a return visit to the White Horse to see how he had fared through the stormy night. There he stood resplendent in the sunshine looking clean and sprightly, it was hard to imagine the watery image he portrayed for me yesterday! I was almost inclined to blip his photo with the caption dry, dry, dry!!!

But no.....this was the highlight of my day...two ordinary folk with extraordinary smiles.....sunshining in the rain!!!

Happy Blipping Everyone

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