Delivering Some Happiness to Kiwiland..........
It often takes a while for things to sink in and today the feeling of sadness that the families and the whole country must be feeling just left me feeling helpless.
I did the only thing I felt I could and reworked this image.....I had already called it Delivering Happiness and it felt that it was the perfect image to dedicate to NZ and those folk who lost their loved ones.....(he is holding a Silver Fern to guide him where he needs to go).
Happiness might go unnoticed for a while yet...too many tears need to be shed first....but here is a little hope that it will slowly creep back into the country and into the lives of those that must be suffering.
Along with this little guy I send much love across the waters.
AN: I would just like to add that I have always been impressed with NZ Prime Minister Jacinta Ardern...but how she has rallied to this......what to say....I dearly wish we had one of her in Australia......instead of the pack of wallies we have here........she is bloody awesome.
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