St Patrick's .....
..... Day and ---
the second Sunday in Lent.
The sermon today was putting us on the "right road!", I for one need to be reminded quite often. When things go wrong / frustrations occur and sad things happen it's easy to loose your way, even for a short while. So it's a case of " pick yourself up and start all over again".
I've succumbed to a cold, I didn't feel too good yesterday with painful neck, now I know why it was my glands swollen. Lovely to have an unexpected visit at "my" church of my daughter just hope I haven't passed this on to her!
I thought tho' it is still cold the sun was out and we could get a car ride, forget it, clouds soon gathered , blipped along with a pigeon ruling the roost, the wind has now whipped up again too.
Hope you all enjoy your evening.
Appreciate ..... hot lemon and paracetamol !
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