Sunday ride (Day 1411)

I had a bit of a later start this morning for the wander up the hill with the woofers and was quite surprised that the forecast strong wind hadn't materialised.
A bit later, and after coffee, my beautiful wife made our way to Stromness to get out on the horses. By the time we got to the yard it was pretty windy, and shortly after we got out on the horses there was a very heavy hail shower. It was a bit unpleasant.
After the hail shower, Billy (the horse I ride) spooked at something and nearly threw me off. I lost both stirrups but hung on with my knees. I have no idea what spooked him, or what got into him in general today. He was a pig to keep moving for the majority of the ride, but was reluctant to stop on the couple of occasions we cantered. His steering seems to be a bit broken too. It is always good to get out on a horse, but today I returned to the yard a bit frustrated.
We zoomed home, collected the dogs and took them a walk at Lyde, where we were pelted with hailstones again.

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