Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


What a difference to yesterday's weather.
The pollen on these pussy willows on the cycle track is just amazing.
I started the day badly with a headache, but a couple of hours extra in bed meant that although I missed church I felt much better. I went out in the afternoon, to the station first to pick up my tickets and walked back home via the cycle path. I enjoyed the fresh air and the path is just bursting into life at the moment. Trees coming into leaf, flowers in the verges, blossom on the trees, and the bird song is just amazing. I even saw a pair of thrushes having a wonderful time throwing the dead leaves up in the air in their hunt for insects. (extra)
I don't know when I last saw a thrush, we never see them in our garden.
After I got home we went out again, visiting both daughters, then home. I had found a recipe I fancied for chicken with a sour cream sauce so made that for tea. We all rated it so will be having it again. C said he doesn't know why I have recipe books because I never follow them anyway. The first thing I did with this one was add onions, garlic and mushrooms and swap the water in the recipe for wine (obviously a printing error).... I did use the chicken, celery and carrots though, oh and I swapped in zero fat crême fraîche for the sour cream! But I still used the recipe lol!
13351 steps, I'm on catch up this week, 2/4 days

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