Bit of a...

...snow day. Snowed most of the morning but it was the very wet slushy kind. Enough though to put paid to our intended activity which was cheering the Rooster on at the first Rowing Regatta of the year, Clydesdale ARC Heads Race on the Clyde.

So I directed my efforts towards the mountain of pens and pencils we have in this house. I do think the big boys have been trying to recoup my tax contributions to!

MrR and I sharpened them all...picked out the chewed ones and have popped them in bags so they can go back to school!

Tested all the pens too and threw out the dried up ones. Then sorted all like kinds in pencil cases or boxes together. Happy.

This task has been hanging about my head for ages so very grateful to have got it done today :-)

If a boy brings home one more pencil instead of using what is in his bag you might hear me scream!

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