These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

Pollo en Mole

What a lovely day we had today! Not only was the sun shining, but the series of events ended up leaving me with a very relaxing day to think, ponder, and cook some very fun foods!

We spent a good part of the day with Kelly and Chris while they worked out logistics on a house offer. So so exciting. With the twins coming, it would be such a blessing to get moved out of their cute little house and get settled in something with more room and they are on their way with their first offer! yeah! Stephanie and Miles came over for a visit and Tyler had a blast playing basketball, memory and legos with Miles. After that, Tyler got to hop in the car and go to a basketball game with Kelly and Chris. He was thrilled. Josh gave him two dollars so he could get a treat at the game and he guarded that money with his life. It was so cute! When I was getting him tucked into his booster seat and loving on him, he just looked at me and said, "Mom! Close the door!!"

After he left, I spent most of the afternoon in the kitchen. We are gearing up for a big Mexican fiesta at my Dad's house tomorrow, and I'm in charge of the Pollo en Mole! I found a detailed recipe online and went to work! The entire process involved roasting chiles, roasting almonds, sesame seeds and spices, cooking onions, tomatos, peppers, and chocolate and then blending them all together for one perfect Mole Sauce. I haven't even gotten to the chicken part. That comes tomorrow. So, while I was cooking, I grabbed this picture of the just roasted almonds, sesame seeds, cinnamon stick and spices. Right after this picture was taken, these things flew into the food processor and were turned into a yummy smelling pile of goodness!

After the Mole Sauce, I pulled out the wok and cooked my new recipe for Paad Woon Sen and I loved it. It's a new favorite. Unfortunately, it's only a new favorite for me and not anyone else. Oh well! It's hard to compete with Paad Thai, Tom Kha Gai and Coconut curry dishes! Thai food is the best!

Tyler arrived home sound asleep and we got him tucked right into bed. Now, I'm on my way to watch some more 24 with my husband.

Happy Saturday and goodnight everyone!

PS: I wish I could take a picture of how good this smells!

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