Tussock Tales

By TussockTales


It has been pretty windy here for the last few days. We even had a mini tornado or something that blew some roofs off in Cromwell the other day, which is completely unheard of so maybe this willow has been subject to the wind but I could not see any debris anywhere around it.
Bit of a lazy Sunday with The Boss opting for a 7.00 am start with his camera bag and ME along the lakeside but he was really sussing out another shot for later and concluded that next time we needed to be earlier still. Sunrise according to MR G is 5.50 am so maybe we will have another go tomorrow if conditions are OK. At these hours he has to take me as I will kick up a fuss if he doesn't and The Bossess may still be ZZZZZing

Pleased to report Christmas cards despatched . Well Done Bossess. I will post an image of our card to my portfolio next Thursday as promised along with whatever happens on that day. It has ME in it. I bet you knew that already but it also has Mr L in it too who you will all know instantly ...Yes you will...Trust me on this. OK? So you can all now try to figure out who Mr L is before Thursday. No sorry I cannot reveal his nationality. Oh The Boss says just for fun, correct guesses will receive 5 anonymous barks on their journal even if it is just a blank page. There what an offer! The final decision on cards was mixed. Especially when we realised how many email addresses we did not have. Paper won paws down. Well it was actually embossed card, that prints super on the Epson 2880.

More wind in the Willow

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