Ashleigh Joys Photography

By AshleighJoy

Happy 4th Birthday Isabelle

We went to Shedds Aquarium for Isabelles birthday! We left alot later than we wanted, as my mom didn't want to wake up early and then wanted to shower before leaving. We only had about 3 hours all together in Shedds (just as much as it took for us to get there!). My mother did however have a great time, lots of smiles. As she was in a wheelchair we got front row seats to the aquatic presentation which was really neat! Isabelle did ended up peeing on the floor at the place you can touch sea stars...I asked her if she needed to potty before hand she said no. Well I just should have taken her, that cold water was too much haha. Even though me and greg felt very rushed, Isabelle and my mom had fun which I guess is what matters.
On the way home we made one stop and the car ended up dying! No one wanted to help us with a jump, and where kinda rude and blunt about it. After 30min we did find someone to let us use their car (we had the cords and all). I think the day could have been better, but oh well. No Green river either, we where much too late to even attempt to look for it....

The main picture is of a lung fish, which is my favorite to see there. I think they are so cute! 

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