Over the Horizon

By overthehorizon

Keep your distance

This is a full grown bull New Zealand Sea Lion or Hooker's Sea Lion (Phocarctos hookeri). And this one is a real big boy.

These are the most endangered sea lions in the world only surviving and breeding in a few parts of southern New Zealand, Stewart Island and the sub-antarctic islands. Hunted out by first the Maori and later Europeans, they are slowly returning to some of their old haunts on the South Island, but are still persecuted by some fishermen despite being protected.

Unapologetic, fearless, and surly it is not in their nature to be timid. Indeed, the males that haul out on the beaches here constantly provoke one another. Each with it's own personality, and quirks. Unpredictable like that we have to tread carefully as guides. They mostly pay us no mind but when they do like this guy, keep your distance.

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