Family Dog

By Family_Dog

This is our city story....

"We had nothing
We had not much
We had enough
We had everything
This was our city story"

Today is our wedding anniversary. We have been married for twelve years. I say that with a mixture of pride, amazement and complete and utter gratitude.

Fortunately, we're NOT celebrating it by puking all over the place as the earlier week's illnesses may have predicted. We don't actually know what we're doing but it will involve NO KIDS, it will involve YES WINE and it will involve YES NICE THINGS. And later, when all of that is done it will also involve YES DOUBLE BILL OF THE KILLING III (who says the spark goes out of marriage? Eh?!)

I'm just waiting for Bry to come back with an empty car (he's dropping the kids off at his parents) so we can get the day started properly.

We may well be coming to the end of 'our city story' - it makes this christmas time quite poignant for us. As soon as the tree is down we are going to get the flat in ship shape to get it on the market and then...well, who knows where we'll end up. It might still be in the city, but it's more likely to be out of it and then a whole new life will begin.

When me & Bry first got together (he was 20 and I was 23) we used to say it felt like it was us against the rest of the world. Since then we pretty much grew up together, through thick and thin. The good times and the bad. The cliched moments and the not-so. The times when it all felt like it was falling apart and the times when things were so right we felt indestructable - and so long as we were together, spinning around in our little sphere we were and still are indestructable.

With each new year together we add another little layer to our shield. Our history makes us stronger and together the future is ours.

Watch out world, the Family Dog is coming to get you...

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