twinned with trumpton


A slow start; dishes from dinner then 2 breakfasts - avocado and bacon toasted muffin vs sausage / mushrooms / beans; a hefty belt of coffee and off back up the hill to Hers; via various emporia to gather supplies.

Then we went off to see Barry and the dug; a wander up the Seat with patches of snow near the summit. We started in sun, but that disappeared far too quickly for my liking.

We abandoned Baz at Dunsapie Loch and carried on around the road on the bikes and down. G was home by this time so She went home; I diverted via the Canongate to see the folks who were dropping off a drill at the SIL. Tea, Ikea bookcase ordering and then back up the hill for dinner. Chicken feta artichoke walnut salad was had before I retired homewards on the bike.

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