Happy B Day DN2

Its Daughter Number 2's 26th Birthday today.

She was off to Oxford Street with her BF for a bit of shopping and a bit of eating and probably a few cocktails!! I am seeing both girls for afternoon tea tomorrow (well, today as this is a back blip!!)

I took Bella for a walk up the Forest today. Her jumping at the back of my legs was better and she fetched the ball far more than the other day and she's really getting the hang of looking at me when I say "look" which is dead handy for a blipper!

I then worked the afternoon with DN1 and had a message to say Bella had Pee'd inside. He called her lazy. She isn't a lazy puppy and I have a feeling it might have been him who had possibly missed the clues or not watched her when she was out to make sure she had wee'd before he let her in. She was as high as a kite when I got home so I suspect there wasn't much play involved either!!!

Oh well.....just as well I'm only working part time at the moment!!!

I called DN2 in the evening and she sounded like she had had a nice day. 

Happy Birthday my Beautiful Sophie. xXx

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