Licensed to Chill

By 007Roo

A dogs for life

A message that goes out every Christmas "A dogs for life, not just for Christmas".

This week the National Canine Defence said that no dogs will be given out from now until January to make sure that people realise what a big responsibility taking on a dog can be,walks, feeding, kennelling, vet fees to name a few expenses.

The reasons people had got rid of dogs, it's not as cute as when I bought him and the one that made me so angry he doesn't match my sofa anymore.

Just to let people know none of my dogs match my sofa, my curtains, my carpets, my car or even my coat but they are full of love and that's all I care about.

On a exciting note(Roo is beside himself) apparently a certain actor going by the surname Craig has been viewing a property a couple of miles from us he was spotted in the local pub last week!!!!

Perhaps he's doing it so he can rub shoulders with 007Roo???

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