"Smile please"

Saturday 23rd March 2019

I haven't been to Knowsley Safari park since the beginning of November and my membership ran out at the end of November. Unfortunately I missed renewing it (and saving money!). It has been a good test as to whether I still wanted it as, over the last couple of months, I've been having the urge to go. The trouble was, every time I did time was limited and because I would have to go to the info desk to buy new membership I didn't bother. Today I decided to put that right so that I can call in for a short period if I want. 

I realised I had forgotten to put the camera battery on charge so I changed it, tested the replacement and that showed nearly empty too. I changed again and the new one showed full. Down at the park, having visited the info centre I decided to walk round the foot safari first. The giraffes were out so I went up on to the viewing platform to get close to this one. Five minutes of photography and my battery was flat!!!

As it is not as interesting without a camera in hand and as I had my blip I went home. I am planning on returning tomorrow unless something crops up.  Yes, I have put all batteries on charge! 

Having just checked back on blip to see when I last went I discovered the last one had its tongue out at me as well! :-)) 

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