yet another day

By yetanotherday

Not well

I took this photo of Whisky earlier. We bought him this new cat bed yesterday and he hadn't moved from it all day, I stupidly thought it was because he liked the bed. Anyway, when I tried to feed him later he wouldn't go to his food bowl, so I picked him up and took him to the bowl. Instead of eating he howled at me and limped back to his bed :(

We've since driven 1/2 an hour round the M25 to the emergency vets where he will be spending the next few nights on a drip. They thought it might be a blood clot, but have since phoned to say that have found puncture wounds on his side and his breathing isn't great, so will do more tests. I won't scare you with the bill that we have!!!! Hopefully it will be worth it and he will pull through.

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