The Joy of Childhood

Unexpectedly it has been a sunny day.  The cherry blossoms are so beautiful at the moment.  These flowers are deep pink and very full, on other trees they are a much more delicate pink with less petals.  I like them all.  When I was young I remember that in our front garden we had a large cherry tree with white blossoms.  My friends and I would play 'weddings' and shake the branches so the blossoms fell down on us.  What fun and how liberating!

Merlin went to the vet for his check-up today.  Unfortunately he has an infection in his wound so he is on antibiotics and must wear his cone until at least Monday.  He also is not allowed any walks off of the lead.  He is getting rather frustrated but I take that as a good sign.  Hoping the kitchen units , our walls and door frames survive another five days of being bashed!

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