Curls & Swirls

This is the remains of a flowerett from a Himalayan Lily that the friendly wallpaper bloke gave me the other collapsed this afternoon and I know only too well what that feels like....I'm bushed!!

Had a horrible sleep, well we both did. After sitting up to 11pm to get the chrissie cake out of the oven and sloshing it with brandy it was off to hit the hay.
Just about of to sleep when all the sensor lights at both ends of the house came on. We got up to investigate, well Doug did, I peered out from behind the curtains. Nothing or nobody to be seen but it was quite unsettling. Doug thought he saw a torch beam going across the paddocks.
The last time I looked at the clock was 3.30 am and we were up at 6.30 am as the tiler was starting work at 7 am.

Anyhoo, the tiles look awesome in the outside entrance area. Steve the builder came and put up the TV 's in the snug, guest bedroom and our bedroom. None of them work though. Shucks!!

Been busy little beavers today trying to get more organised before the Oz family arrive tomorrow. There is much to do.

Geez, just looked at the clock, its nearly 9 pm, I'm off to make a humungious lasagne to put in the freezer and a sultana cake to take to ChCh tomorrow to give to our brother-in-law. We pick the kids up late tomorrow night.

Commenting or even view blips is just not happening these last few days, our days are just full on. My apologies.


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