
By DonnaWanna

Miss Tiddles takes Over!

I spend quite a bit of my spare time in our rooftop garden area with the dog and the cat. It's a lovely big space with lots of plants and it has a roof but is open on one side like a verandah. (I'm there now:)

There is a big table and four chairs and I can get comfortable and spread out all my stuff while I use my computer or read or whatever. I like to get up very early and have cups of tea out there and relax for a while before the madness starts for the day.

Over the years we have each chosen a chair and stuck with it. One is mine, one is my husbands, one is for Miss Tiddles and one is for Jake.

We all know our places and we don't usually chop and change. Jake and The Miss have different coloured blankets on theirs and at the moment Jakes' blanket is orange and Miss Tiddles is a flowery pattern.

This morning Miss Tiddles took possession of Jakes chair. He huffed and puffed about it but she wouldn't give it up. He jumped up and put his front legs near her and she would normally have jumped off at that point but today she just ignored him.

This has happened a few times and usually if you say "you are on the dogs chair! " she immediately gets the message and jumps off and gets onto her own chair, but that didn't happen today!

So I intervened, and I just happened to have my camera in my hand. I leaned down close and said quietly but with emphasis on the word dogs "you have taken the dogs chair! Are you going to give it up!" And she knew what I was saying! I captured this wilfully wicked look on her face, which I thought was priceless!

I really don't know what has gotten into her, but she did not get off, the dog walked off in a huff and she stayed on it for the rest of the day!

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