
I've wanted to do a backstage tour of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, for ages and this morning we joined one.

Martin was our knowledgeable and entertaining guide, taking us through the history and magic of this amazing set up.

Since their refurbishment in 1997, they no longer take 8 to 12 hours to dismantle and change a stage set. They can slide them out and in taking around 50 minutes. Thus they can rehearse one production in the morning, stage a matinee production, and be ready for the third performance of the day in the evening.

We visited the costume department, sat in the £200 seats briefly, watched the two principal dancers working on the ballet of "Eugene Onegin" and listened to his entertaining stories.

You don't need to go to a performance or be a member. You can book these visits on line and they are well worth the £11.

The photo is of The Little Costume Shop model of the "Lilac Fairy" costume which Darcey Bussell wore for her very first solo with the Royal Ballet Company

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