
A really lovely lady that I had only met about three times but those times were happy, funny and as if I had known her for much longer.

Our friends from Dubai have known Margaret for several years, attending the same church as her when in Surrey. I had the privilege of being included in some of their times together and I think I can say she and I got on well. A special memory is a visit to Worthing, abandoning shoes and socks to paddle in rock pools and enjoying the ripples of sand left by a low tide. Fish and chips first of course! 

Very sadly, Margaret became ill last year and today we joined her many family and friends to say goodbye to her. We were very pleased to able to represent Sherry and Geraldine at this service. I know they would have loved to be there themselves.

Wonersh is a beautiful little village and in today's sunshine it looked even more so. The church overlooks the village green and today it was trimmed with daffodils and hung with blossom.  Margaret loved the outdoors, especially climbing mountains in her Scottish homeland. She would have loved today's beauty, though knowing her, many of the wonderful words spoken about her, would have been dismissed.  

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