
By shy

No Cake

We've had Archie and Henry over since Thursday. I got to see them both Saturday morning - Henry had made a camp in the armchair, and Archie was grizzly. The moment Archie was totally in my care he let rip with the biggest poo imaginable - the sort that shoots half-way up his back. I had to clear that one up eeuww. It turns out he's been doing a lot of that lately. Anyway, today they went to their other granny's house for the day. They did come back here for supper, Abigail disappeared and left Archie with Flick. Another tremendous poo from Archie. She had to deal with that one as I was in the kitchen investigating the fact that our cake stand had no cake. I reckon that's a very valid reason for not helping dealing with Archie's emanations.
I believe Archie is going to the doctors tomorow - poor little thing.

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