That's not very nice ...
Taken with today's Silly Saturday challenge in mind although not taken today, as it's been a tad hectic after returning from my away days with the girls.
Laundry done, breakfast sorted, I was itching to get out in the garden checking on what's happened while I've been away. The Euphorbia purpurea is really zinging, Brodiaea 'Queen Fabiola' just poking through the soil, Fritillaria imperialis all frilly, & everything in the greenhouse watered well by hubby while I've been away. Popped some more plants in the front border, then it was time to head down to see Yogi & his owner. I'm looking after Yogi next week so just had a few last minute details to finalize. What a glorious day, traffic was heavy heading towards Teignmouth, everyone making their way down to the coast. It's going to be fun exploring the area especially as this weather looks set to continue.
Just catching up on the Masterchef episodes now that I missed while I was away. The final was last night, I'm not really interested who won, more interested what the contestants make along the way.
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